Friday, November 19, 2010

i feel a small rumble..

so the art studio is stalled. hmph. annoying as hell, but on a very good note, i have had a couple sells at my etsy shop! my teensy weensy ethiopian landscape went far far away- i really loved that tiny painting- it was very meditative to paint something so freaking tiny. i think i'll probably do more of them- they are affordable to purchase and really fun to collect. maybe i'll do a collection of them that can all be hung together to create a larger landscape. i really love tryptic (?sp) paintings- i lived next door to an art major in graduate school at UNH (where i did my masters in sociology) when i lived in graduate housing. she was japanese and a lot of her work was done in multiple canvases- i really stuck with me. i wish i could find her... if yukari fujita namakura is out there- please get in touch with me!!! TANGENT!

also, i sold a single card (Ethiopian Lalibela cross) that went to Florida today. I felt weird that the s/h cost more than the card, but i'm flattered that someone would still purchase a single card for $2, knowing the s/h is $2.50... i put in a couple smaller cards as a special "thanks"...

been looking at my pics of my items i'm selling on etsy, and i think im going to redo a bunch of my paintings- the pics look fuzzier and crappier everytime i look at them... it is so hard to capture the paintings because of the glitter and color combo, but i think i need to change it up a bit and see how it goes...
